This past Christmas, several high school students from the Construction Career Center were placed in seasonal jobs with AGC members. Ever Garcia, a student from Howard High School, took a position with H&H Brown. Below is a letter we received from his superintendent … way to go Ever!
“Ever is a pleasure to work with. He has restored my faith in this generation.
He shows up on time, everytime. He has the best attitude and is so respectful. His work ethic is second to none. He is eager to learn and is very trainable. He is very intelligent with great comprehension. He reminds me of generations past, he works safely and efficiently, all while taking pride in his work.
I hope that he isn’t an anomaly and that you have more students just like him. If so, your program is going to thrive, along with the trades that you are preparing them for.
We thank you for the opportunity to partner up with the Career Center. If you have interested candidates for summer break just let me know.”
-Dennis Rhinehart, Shop Superintendent