Construction Career Center
Project-Based Curriculum
School Year 2024-2025
New and innovative curriculum is coming to the Construction Career Center this fall and we want your company to be leading the way! To create an experience that is more beneficial and engaging for students, Hamilton County Schools is green-lighting project-based learning led by AGC member companies.
AGC East Tennessee member companies are invited to develop and lead a skills project for 11th and 12th grade students attending the Construction Career Center to elevate their skills.
Interested AGC companies will meet with Tony Donen, Executive Principal for the Workforce Development and College Schools Network in Hamilton County Schools, and CCC Principal Gerald Harris to discuss and fine tune proposed projects.
Meetings will be held July 10 – 12 for about 30-45 minutes. To get on the schedule, contact Leslie Gower at [email protected] or (901) 233-3825.
The duration of the project could be for one day, or it could be a project that would last for a couple of weeks. Instructors would like to offer a myriad of projects from all of the trades (concrete, framing, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, flooring, drywall, roofing, finishings, etc)
The projects are interactive and could be as easy as an electrical company teaching a lesson on how to pull conduit, or a masonry company showing the proper way to butter bricks. Or it could be a more involved and longer project like building a shed with electricity. The sky’s the limit!
The sponsoring company would provide materials and the project overview to the class and, with the help of the instructor, offer assistance to students as they work on the project. Companies can decide how much time they want to commit. They could work with the students throughout the duration of the project, or they could check in periodically on the progress of the project with a final inspection. Once the project is complete, the students would receive a hard-hat sticker from the company. Companies can partner together on projects.
Next year the CCC will have 70 high school students enrolled in 3 daily 90-minute classes (23 students per class). Your company does not have to attend every class but it is recommended to meet with each class at least once throughout the duration of the project.
>> Get to know great prospective candidates coming into the construction industry
>> Provide guidance and mentorship to the next generation in construction
>> Help construction candidates understand the expectations of employers
>> Provide leadership opportunities to your employees by having them lead student projects
>> Great public relations and community involvement for your company